Saturday, May 17, 2014

Media Communication

The TV show I watched was I Love Lucy, the episode of the chocolate factory.
With the sound turned off, I think the characters' relationships based on the ways in which they are communicating is strong and friendly.
 Based on the nonverbal behavior I observed which was facial expression, the characters was feeling and expressing uneasiness, doubtfulness, slowness and ashamed.
With the sound turned on, the assumptions I made about the characters and plot based on the ways in which I interpreted the communication I observed was true. The characters appeared to be slow and not knowing what they were doing. I think my assumptions would have been just as accurate if I had been watching a show that I was familiar with.

From this experience I have learned that one’s assumptions about nonverbal communication is just as accurate as it would be about verbal communication. 


  1. It's interesting that you feel that one's assumptions about non verbal communication are just as accurate as with verbal communication. I watched my show and was wrong about several aspects of the show. I think having both pieces is essential in having a complete picture and more accurate communication. So much can be misinterpreted when only non verbal language is used. What are your thoughts?

  2. Hi Sheena!

    Thank you for sharing. I actually had a different experience watching my selected show as I was right about a few things, however, after listening to the show definitely shed light on the real issues. I do believe that both forms of non verbal and verbal communication are important as the awareness will contribute to becoming competent communicators.

    Take care,

    Lisa K.

  3. Sheena, I found the same to be true that non verbal communication plays a major role along with verbal communication.
