Saturday, June 14, 2014

Team Development

During the adjourning phase of team development the project comes to an end and the team members goes their separate ways which may lead to some sad goodbyes. I can recall working with a church group on a project some years back and we all became a big family. All of us was committed to the project and each team member.  We all supported one another by asking questions, giving comments sometimes bad and good but no one got upset. I hated to see the last day of the project come to an end. I cried, others cried, these was sad goodbyes. Still today we all stay in touch with one another. Sometime we get together for lunch or a movie. 


  1. Sheena, I think when you make those good connections with people and your group works extremely well together it definitely makes it more difficult to move on. It's great that you all still keep in touch! Those kinds of situations make us stronger. Thanks for sharing!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is sometimes difficult to say goodbye especially if the group members are really connected by accepting and supporting one another like your team.

  2. Hi Sheena, that's really nice that you all still get together and keep in contact. I know that people say that they will call you and never do. So, just the fact that you are still in contact makes a huge impact on t relationships you formed.

  3. Sheena, That's great that y'all still find time to connect because it seems like y'all had development a sense of family within your organization or group.

  4. Sheena,

    I have enjoyed reading your blog posts and discussion posts over the last eight weeks. I thank you for your support and input during this course and wish you luck in your continued journey!
