Saturday, September 14, 2013

Relationship Reflection

To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.

Relationships/partnerships are important to me because when there is strong positive relationships/partnerships among one another it makes the day seem smoother. Doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship/partnership between husband/wife, father/children, mother/children, sister/brother aunt/uncle, pastor, coworker, teacher etc. We all need relationships/partnerships for the survival of life.
Several people with whom I currently have or had positive relationships and/or partnerships with are God who is the head of my life. My mother and father even though they are in heaven watching over me, these two people have left an impact on me that no one can take away.
Another relationship that I currently possess is my relationship with my kids. My kids and I shares a close bond, being a single parent allows us to spend lots of time together shopping, movies, ball games, church etc.
Other relationships outside my family include relationships/partnerships with coworkers, friends, teachers, pastor, which are all dear to me.



  1. I love that you talk about the close relationship that you have with your children. I was raised by a single mom and I know how incredibly special that relationship can be. My mom and I also have a very close relationship and I wouldn't trade it for the world, she really is my rock sometimes.

    1. Sheena, yes agree that relationships/partnerships come from love one that have gone to heaven or children and co-workers. /each of them are a part of the persons were are today because each has made an impact in our lives. And as you stated the relationship with our Heavenly Father gives of the strengh to make it everyday.

  2. Sheena, I think one of the most important fact you wrote in your blog was that we all need relationships to live. I could not agree more. We are social creatures and it is in our nature from knee-high to develop relationships with others. Those who try to avoid such a thing end up being looked at as abnormal and do not function well in society. The school-years is where we begin to develop some of the most important relationships in our lives. Relationship with others help us develop into who we are and help form the relationship we have with ourselves.

  3. Sheena,
    I think the most important relationship will be those with children and their parents. This is the foundation from which other relationships will be built. So I can not agree with you more when you shared the quote To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.

  4. Sheena,
    I agree with you 100%. When there is a positive relationship everyone is happy. It also eliminates stress within ourselves that can be harmful. Great opening quote as well!
